Cost of Hearing Aids in Canada



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As we grow older, some of our senses start to fail, one of those senses is hearing. Getting hearing aids in Canada is relatively cheap depending on your province, in fact, you might be eligible for a discount or full payment from your provincial government. About 3 million Canadians suffer from hearing, hearing aids come to the rescue in this situation.

As important as hearing is, sadly some people experience hearing problems. Loss of hearing happens in about one-third of people that are age 65 and above. The number increases to one-half at the age of 75. A majority of hearing problems are curable or treatable and with the advent of hearing aid, even more hearing problems can be managed effectively. 

Hearing Test

There are three categories of hearing problems;

  • Mild
  • Moderate
  • Severe

Hearing aid might seem like a solution to most people but only one in five elderly people who suffer from hearing loss would benefit from using a hearing aid. This is because most elderly’s do not utilize them due to denial, stigma, among many other reasons.

While getting hearing aids in Canada, recommendations might be made for you based on the following:

  • Budget
  • Lifestyle
  • Occupation
  • Cosmetic needs

Hearing aids come in a great variety of shapes and sizes. What you need to know is that as hearing aids get smaller the user compromises on:

Hearing Aids Features

The features of each hearing aid depending on the brand and category of hearing aid you purchase. Generally, below are the feature you should look at for when considering getting a hearing aid.

  • Battery life
  • Wireless connectivity
  • Extra hearing and functionality
  • Rechargeable

Cost of Hearing Aids in Canada

“Hearing aids in Canada cost an average of 2,000 CAD”

Hearing aids are a big investment in getting a quality life. So, when considering getting a hearing aids in Canada, carefully consider your options. Your hearing aid could be tailored to fit into your lifestyle. The cost of hearing aids in Canada depends on the level of technology you want. 

It has been discovered that that gist of hearing aid is not for the device only but includes the services render alongside. Other services that come with getting a hearing aid include:

  • Testing 
  • Adjustments
  • Cleaning
  • Fitting 

Hearing aids in Canada cost an average of 2,000 CAD for retail price. Depending on the province you stay in Canada, you could be eligible for hearing aid discounts. 

When it comes to hearing aid, there are different brands, designs, and technology levels available at different prices. Hearing aids are categorized according to levels. The following are prices you will get depending on the level you opt for.

  • Essential Level Hearing Aid

These are the cheapest hearing aids available in the Canadian market. They have the least features and help you listen well in a quiet environment. This is not recommended for people who are always on the move.

Essential level hearing aid cost an average of 1,500 CAD – 2,000 CAD per hearing aid. Luckily, Ontario residents who have not bought hearing aids in the past five years are eligible for ADP funding. This funding covers about 500 CAD per hearing aid. That means you’ll only pay about 1,000 CAD – 1,500 CAD if you’re eligible.

  • Standard level Hearing Aid

This hearing aid is a step higher than the essential level of hearing aid. The standard level hearing aid has better features and capability. With this hearing aid, the user can hear well a relatively quiet room.

If you work in a very noisy or busy environment, this might not be the best for you. It costs an average of 2,000 – 2,500 CAD per Standard level hearing aid. If you are eligible for ADP in Ontario, you will pay 1,500 – 2,000 CAD.

  • Advanced Level Hearing Aid

Many people go for this hearing aid because of its high performing features. The advanced level hearing aid is good if you want sound quality and low listening effort in any listening environment. It cost an average of 3,000 – 3,500 CAD to get an advanced level hearing aid.

If you are eligible for ADP, you just have to pay between 2,500 – 3,000 CAD.

  • Premium Level Hearing Aid

This is the master of all hearing aids. It has all the best features and high-ranking technology. Premium level hearing aid are available in rechargeable option, it has wireless features that can be connected to your mobile devices. This hearing aid requires the least listening effort to hear, it can be used in any listening environment. 

With its features and sound technology, it can be used even in the noisiest environment. This is the best hearing aid for people who are always on the move. To get this hearing aid, it will cost you an average of 3,500 – 4,000 CAD. Although, if you are eligible for ADP, you will pay between 3,000 and 3,500 CAD.

Hearing Aids Brands

Below are some popular hearing aid brands in the market;

Provincial Discount of Hearing Aid in Canada

Provinces in Canada give a discount to eligible people getting a hearing aid. Below are some of what each province offers:

Adults and children under the Ontario Health Insurance are eligible to 75% coverage for one or both hearing aids. Which is about 500 CAD per device.

Every five years, full-time students and Albertans are eligible for new hearing aids. People with low income between the age of 18 – 64 are also eligible for funding towards new hearing aids.

  • British Columbia

British Columbia currently does not have funding for hearing aid. Residents are expected to procure hearing aids themselves as there are certain regulations governing hearing aids in British Columbia.

Eligible residents are entitled to full coverage for both the purchase and replacement of hearing aids.

  • Nova Scotia

For children up to the age of 21, hearing aids are sold at a wholesale price via APSEA.

  • Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan stopped providing hearing aids services in July 2017. Though children are still being taken care of, while adults can only purchase hearing aids via private sellers.

  • Manitoba

Children in Manitoba are covered for hearing aids while seniors who have a fixed income are eligible for an 80% settlement of their hearing aids.

  • Atlantic Provinces 

Through the APSEA program, students up to the age of 21, special audiology care and purchase of hearing aid are sold at a discounted price.

  • Yukon

In Yukon, children with chronic diseases, seniors, and military veterans are eligible for hearing aid funding.

  • Prince Edward Island

Children up to age 21 and adults are entitled to hearing tests and hearing aids in this province.

  • New Brunswick

In New Brunswick, some residents regardless of their age and status are eligible for hearing aid. You can check the list of eligible resident here.

  • Northwest Territories

Some seniors who are non-indigenous and non-aboriginal may be eligible for full funding or discounted hearing aid. Check the listing here.

  • Newfoundland and Labrador

In this province, hearing aids are provided for children under 18, full-time student and adults with financial needs via the Provincial Hearing Aid Program (PHAP).

Your hearing problem should never be seen as a disability. If you feel there is a need to get a hearing aid, contact your doctor and discuss your concerns. Appropriate testing and recommendations will be given to you.

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