Assessing your financial savviness. Interactive quiz.
The Financial Landscape in Canada
Which of the following do you have
What kind of investments is best to keep in a Tax-Free Savings Account?
How much should you contribute to a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)?
What kind of investments are ideal to keep inside an RRSP?
Is there any benefit to have a RRSP today?
Which of the following investments do you know about?
Which investment option requires the least time to manage, and yet has the most reward on average?
What is a reasonable amount to save/invest from your paycheck?
Which companies tend to make great investments over a long period of time?
When is the ideal time to purchase a life insurance policy?
What is the optimal way to use a credit card?
If your credit card debt is very high, what is the best option to explore first?
Is it bad to have a lot of credit cards?
Which of the following governments include a suite of grants & support programs that can be accessed on their main website?
I am looking to own a home in Canada, what government programs exist to support me in that process? (select all that apply).
Which is Better? Buying or Renting a House?